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The next generation of corporate cards.

Give your teams physical cards for purchases in the field and virtual cards to spend securely online.


Easy spend management for travellers and finance teams

  • Simple travel spending

    Remove the hassle from work trips. No more wasted time on reconciliation, no lost receipts, and no more expense reports!

  • Secure payments

    Manage online spending securely with Spendesk virtual Mastercards and approval workflows. Issue physical Mastercards to travelling employees for use on the road and collect receipts with the Spendesk app.

  • Automated expense reports

    Automated receipt & invoice follow-up for all employee payments. Save countless hours on payment reconciliation and stop wasting time on tedious manual tasks. Every payment is logged, and every receipt stored safely.

  • Centralised control

    Get full control and visibility over all company spending. Set spending policies and approval workflows, automate reporting and accounting tasks and track every transaction in real time from a single source of truth.

The all-in-one spend management platform

We don’t spend a lot of time doing expenses with Spendesk, because it’s so simple and easy. The app is there to solve those pains of ours. We just have to take a picture of the receipt after the expense is done and click submit. That’s pretty much it.

Antony Tikhonov Business Development Manager, Seedrs

Switch to smart, 
trackable spending