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Expense reimbursement

Reimburse employee expenses seamlessly, without paperwork. Consolidate expense reimbursements alongside all other company spending.


Reimburse with Spendesk

Your one-stop expense reimbursement solution that helps finance save even more time when reviewing and reimbursing out-of-pocket spend.

  • Save time

    Cut off hours each month with automated reconciliation and one-click wire transfers.

  • Reduce risk

    Eliminate errors and confusion with a verified and complete audit trail. No more duplicates or double checking!

  • Track transactions

    Full expense claim history is available anytime, anywhere.

One place for all company spending

  • Approval and policies
  • Team budgets
  • Invoice payment
  • Expense tracking
  • Virtual & physical cards
  • Spending reports
  • Pre-accounting automation

Easier expense management for the whole company

With Spendesk, employees can easily submit their expense claims using the mobile app, while the finance team can review and reimburse them in a few clicks.

Consolidate and track all payments

Manage employee expense reimbursements along with other transactions for better cost centre tracking and budget follow-up. Receipts are digitised and stored safely.

Automate mileage and per diem allowance calculations (Germany)

Manage mileage, German meal and hotel allowances: the employees simply enter trip details, and Spendesk calculates the exact amount of expense reimbursement required.


Connect your budgets to your approval process

Empower every budget owner to make more informed and faster decisions. See spending, approvals, and payments in one place, and track each budget as it's used.


Streamlined company purchasing with digital purchase orders

Simplify your invoice management process with purchase orders and supplier invoices linked to team approvals, budgets, payments & accounting.

Automated expenses make everyone's lives easier

Olivier Dorison Accounting Manager @Onepark

Martin Pannier Product @Iziwork

Mandana Latifi CFO


Don’t wait until the end of the month to process claims. Review and prepare reimbursements on the go, and get ahead of closing time.


Claim expenses in seconds with the help of our bot Marvin. Save days by automating expense reports, and focus instead on more fulfilling work.


Access the audit trail for every expense reimbursement. Easily process payments in a few secure clicks, and mitigate the risks from switching between tools and manually entering data.


The most frequently asked questions and common misconceptions about expense reimbursement.

Modern expense tracking tools like Spendesk let employees create expense claims digitally. You can then track progress and payment of each claim from a central software, and you always know the status of every expense claim.

Unlike paper expense claims, this works in real time. You therefore know how much has been spent the moment a transaction occurs. This makes budget management easier and more effective, and leads to better financial health for the company.

Employees can claim reimbursement for any legitimate business expense. These include travel expenses, food and accommodation, client meetings, marketing and advertising costs, software subscriptions, employee perks, and any other purchase made on behalf of the company.

Claims can be made on paper or digitally, or a mixture of both. It's important to find the most efficient and easy-to-manage process for your company. This should combine what's fairest for the employee - leading to fast reimbursements in full - and what's easiest for the finance team.

Reimbursable business expenses occur when an employee makes a purchase on behlf of their company, with the understanding that they will be repaid in full. Common reimbursable expenses include travel and meal costs (while travelling for work), stationary and equipment, and office party supplies.

Your company should have an expense policy in place, which determines how employees claim reimbursements. The typical approach is to use expense reports, where employees fill out a form containing all the details of the transaction, reasons for purchase, and receipts.

Modern software and mobile apps let you automate much of this process and eliminate all paperwork. Tools like Spendesk make filing and tracking expense claims faster and more efficient.

Get started with Spendesk today

Payments services are provided as part of the Spendesk product by Spendesk Financial Services in the EEA, by Adyen in the UK and by Sutton Bank in the US. Spendesk Financial Services is a French payment institution licensed by the ACPR under number 17518. Adyen N.V. is a Dutch bank, whose UK branch is licensed by the FCA to provide payment services under number 779800. Sutton Bank is an FDIC insured member institution. Visa debit cards are issued by Spendesk Financial Services in the EEA, by Adyen in the UK and by Sutton Bank in the US, pursuant to a license from Visa.