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Spendesk Questions & Answers

Discover the best step-by-step instructions and articles for frequently asked questions about spend management, finance, accounting and more from Spendesk.

What is a prepaid card?

Learn about how prepaid cards work, who they’re best for, and how to get your own.

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What is a virtual credit card?

See the keys to this new technology and find the perfect virtual cards for your business.

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What is online banking?

Learn about online banking, bank accounts, and essential banking services.

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What is digital banking?

Know more about digital banking, physical bank branches, online-based bank accounts, and more.

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What is a corporate credit card?

Learn more about company-issued and traditional physical credit cards, debit cards, and more.

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What is financial risk?

Know more about how to manage financial risk and different types of it.

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Get the spend control and visibility finance teams need.