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Company payment cards

Manage all employee spending from one central tool with Spendesk's company cards. Easily issue physical and virtual debit cards, set approval workflows, and manage spend controls.


A single source of truth for all company spending

  • Centralised control

    Get full control and visibility over all company spending. Set spending policies and approval workflows, automate reporting and accounting tasks and track every transaction in real time from a single source of truth.

  • Secure payments

    Manage online spending securely with Spendesk virtual Mastercards and approval workflows. Issue physical Mastercards to travelling employees for use on the road and collect receipts with the Spendesk app.

  • Automated expense reports

    Automated receipt & invoice follow-up for all employee payments. Save countless hours on payment reconciliation and stop wasting time on tedious manual tasks. Every payment is logged, and every receipt stored safely.

  • Easy invoice processing

    Process and pay invoices alongside all your other expenses, where they belong. Employees simply upload invoices into the Spendesk platform to be approved by their manager and processed by finance..

We used to use shared credit cards. I honestly believe that I save days every month from not having to respond to queries about payments, spending, or who’s responsible for each cost. People can just look it up themselves.

Aaron TownsendFinancial Controller, Habito

How Spendesk company cards work

Employee debit cards

Equip your teams with secured and customizable debit cards. Re-imagine the on-the-go spending experience with smart debit cards.

Virtual cards

Generate virtual cards for secure online spending. Trust your employees to pay online without compromising control.

More secure company payments

Spendesk alerts you to fraud or suspicious transactions made online or in-store by company card. Every payment is tracked to the payer, effectively eliminating company credit card fraud.

Spendesk Mastercards® use chip and pin, and online payments require two-factor authentication to complete a purchase.

Spendesk spots duplicate transactions and reduces errors, saving you from headaches at the end of the month.

Better spend decisions at your fingertips

Find the plan that is made for your business.

Find the plan for your business

Control & efficiency





∞ users & approvers

For SMBs looking to streamline their spend management process, all in one place.

Book a demo

Essentials includes:

  • Unlimited virtual and physical cards

  • End to end invoice management

  • Expense tracking & reimbursement

  • Transactions: 100/month

  • Basic accounting integrations

  • Multi entity management: 3 (for a fee)


∞ users & approvers

For established and growing businesses needing more flexibility, automation & control.

Book a demo

Everything in "Essentials", plus:

  • Spend dashboards

  • Purchase order tracking

  • Automated & customizable bookkeeping

  • Assisted set-up with onboarding manager

  • Dedicated account team

  • Multi entity management: 5 (for a fee)

  • Budgets and sub-budgets

  • HR and travel integrations


∞ users & approvers

For large companies with complex needs requiring all of Spendesk's capabilities and a customised service.

Contact Sales

Everything in "Scale", plus:

  • Enterprise accounting and HR integrations

  • Transactions: 500/month

  • Open API access

  • AI based automation

  • Unlimited entity management


The most frequently asked questions and common misconceptions about Visa cards.

Visa cards are credit, debit, or prepaid cards, issued by Visa, that let users spend electronically rather than with cash. For businesses, Visa cards can offer protection and security while still letting employees spend freely.

Virtual visa cards only exist online, but carry the same information as a physical bank card: card number, expiration date, and CVV code. For this reason, they are used just like any physical Visa card, but specifically for online or digital purchases.

These can be in the form of virtual credit cards, virtual debit cards, and virtual prepaid cards. These are typically more secure than company credit cards, and businesses can create as many virtual cards as they need to pay for goods and services.

There are many providers of Visa company cards around the world. You will need to talk to one of these providers and create an account to get a Visa company card for your business.

We recommend talking to Spendesk, a provider of both virtual and physical Visa cards to eligible businesses. Spendesk cards have customizable limits per user or per team, making them safe and secure for companies of all sizes. Most importantly, they're designed specifically for modern companies.

Spendesk offers prepaid debit Visa cards for business users. Unlike credit cards, these only let employees spend money that has been approved and loaded onto each card. This makes them a safer option, as company owners can offer every employee a card with no fear of fraud or misuse.

Get started with Spendesk today

Payments services are provided as part of the Spendesk product by Spendesk Financial Services in the EEA, by Adyen in the UK and by Sutton Bank in the US. Spendesk Financial Services is a French payment institution licensed by the ACPR under number 17518. Adyen N.V. is a Dutch bank, whose UK branch is licensed by the FCA to provide payment services under number 779800. Sutton Bank is an FDIC insured member institution. Visa debit cards are issued by Spendesk Financial Services in the EEA, by Adyen in the UK and by Sutton Bank in the US, pursuant to a license from Visa.